"How many does that make," Ana asks. She sets the coffee mug on the desk and makes her way over to the love seat.
"Maybe it's thirty, not three, that's the charm."
Alex smiles flatly. He spins around in the chair to look directly at his wife. "I don't understand why this is so difficult. I thought writing the book was hard enough, and now, well this seems to be impossible. No one wants to even read my manuscript!"
Ana leans forward, "Honey, maybe God had nothing more in mind than for you to just, well, write it?"
Alex shakes his head. "I don't- I can't believe that Ana. Everything in me tells me that I'm supposed to get this published. It's not just a story. This novel will minister to other believers, and it can help someone find eternal life!"
"But if this is God's will honey, don't you think it would be easier than this? He would open a door if-," Ana frowns and looks away. "I don't want to see you hurt," she finishes.
"I understand, I do, it's just, I know this is God's will." Alex stands up to stretch. "I'm going out for a walk. I need to pray and clear my head a little."
He picks up his coffee mug and is almost to the door when Ana laughs. "Honey, you know that's the linen closet right?"
He stops shy of opening the door and stands there. A moment goes by before he turns. He looks at Ana, a smile playing on his lips, "that may be the problem." He rushes over to the computer.
"What," Ana asks. "The linen closet?"
"No," Alex says. "I think I've been trying to open the wrong doors. The other day, Sammy told me about this website called FaithWriters. He said it’s a great place for Christian writers to learn more about writing and that it even has a store where you can buy and sell Christian ebooks called RevelationBooks."
Ana walks over to the desk laughing, "and you just, what, forgot about it until now?"
"Yeah, it never crossed my mind to sell my Christian eBook myself. But this may be the best direction to go."
He taps a few keys as Ana pulls up a chair. "Look at this. It says it's the number one site for Christian writers and it's even been featured as one of the top 101 sites by Writers Digest!"
Ana leans over and points at the screen, "it even showcases articles that have been written. You could add stuff from your blog."
"Look at this, it has a weekly writing challenge, and even a monthly blogging contest that has cash prizes." Alex is beside himself. He looks at Ana and sees her staring at him with a big smile. "What?" he asks sheepishly.
"Nothing," she says. "It's just, I haven't seen you this happy about your writing in awhile." She reaches over and hugs him. "It's nice."
"I'm just thankful God pointed this website out to me. There's just one more place I want to look before I sign up. Lets check out their store, RevelationBooks."
"Wow, there are a lot of good books here. It even has that, free reads and reviews program."
"What's that?" Ana asks.
"Basically, someone reads your book for free and then leaves a review. It helps build sales for up and coming writers. Good reviews helps a person try out an author they've never read before."
"Honey, it says if you're a platinum member you can list two books for free," Ana says, tapping the screen. "You could list your book for free!"
"And most important, it says that purchases made from the bookstore benefit the spread of the gospel in over 200 countries! Ana, we need to start buying all of our books through RevelationBooks."
Suddenly Ana jumps up from her chair. She starts for the living room.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to get my tablet. While your signing up for FaithWriters, I'm going to sign up for a buyers account on RevelationBooks. Did you see all the books they have?"
Alex laughs, but under his breath he prays, "thank you God for helping me find Your open door."

Repent before it's too late!
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