December 31, 2013

September 2014: The Return of Jesus Christ!

It is patently unBiblical to know the date when Jesus will return (Mark 13:32). Yet, I find it quite amazing that even as clearly stated as that Scripture is, people are still lead astray by others who say “they know!”

For example, during the 1800's, William Miller said that he figured out when Jesus would return and led many astray. Hiram Edson was one of those individuals and it's because of him, along with the help of James and Ellen White, that we have the cult known as the Seventh Day Adventist.

As I start this new year, I can't help but wonder how would my life change if I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus was going to return this year? How about you? Would it bring excitement or would your stomach drop to your feet? It's an interesting thought and should give us, at least for a brief moment, pause.

So this year, before you make your New Years resolution, ask yourself, if Jesus was returning in nine months, how would that effect your New Years resolution?

Let me know in the comments below.



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